Dog combs: choosing the right tool for your pet
Any pet requires a responsible approach and regular care. The most important component of this process is the constant maintenance of the coat in good condition. This requires not only proper nutrition, but also regular combing. Depending on the type of coat of the dog, different adaptations will be needed, and the choice should be approached wisely.
Types of combs for dogs
Tools for the care of dog hair are divided into several types and sorted by purpose:
- The simplest single-row comb is necessary for combing not too thick, but long hair;
- Comb with bristles instead of teeth. With its help, you can comb out the longest hair and carefully untangle the tangles. Moreover, such a procedure is also a massage. This best dog brush for short hair can also be used for dogs with short hair;
- Slicker. Comb with thin metal teeth. They are curved and the tips are rounded. This tool is designed to remove dead fur of the undercoat;
- Furminator is a recent invention using which you can comb dogs with any hair, as well as completely get rid of the fallen part of the undercoat in one go;
- Rake comb is considered a good addition to the furminator if bald patches occur. The principle of operation is similar, but the effect on the coat is more gentle;
- Hair brush glove quickly and effectively removes hairs that have fallen out during dog’s shedding;
- Double-sided comb is needed to remove dust and dirt from the coat, suitable for different types of hair;
- Movable tooth combs are effective for combing a dog that does not like and tolerate the procedure. The tool does not hurt, but it is not suitable for very long hair;
- Combs with teeth of various lengths also do not cause unpleasant sensations, allow you to untangle the fallen hair and eliminate the fallen hairs of the undercoat;
- Tools for trimming and stripping – special devices for aligning the remaining hairs and hair removal of the undercoat. Short teeth of the tools are located on the blade, which allows you to quickly and efficiently carry out all the manipulations;
- Dematting comb. A comb with sharp teeth, designed not only to unravel the tangles, but also to cut them if the particular area of the dog hair can no longer be combed.
How to choose a comb?
When choosing combs and brushes, you need to focus on the quality and type of animal hair.
For dogs with long hair
Longhair dogs require daily combing. Long and thick hair must be combed out with an ordinary comb or special massage brush. It is necessary to eliminate excessive undercoat with the help of a slicker. The finisher and rake comb will be effective. If the hair falls off, then you will have to use a dematting comb to cut out all the hair that can’t be combed anymore.
For dogs of short-haired breeds
Short hair dogs are combed with a brush with natural bristles, a special glove is suitable for hair removal. Rakes and combs with rotating teeth will also be good.
For wirehaired dog breeds
Wire-haired dogs do not change their coat and are not subject to seasonal molting; therefore, getting rid of the old cover and updating it completely depends on the owner. To do this, use combs for tripping and streaming.
For smooth dog breeds
Smooth dogs can be taken care of with a regular comb, massage brush and brush glove to rid the animal of dead hairs. You can also use a comb with teeth of different lengths or with rotating teeth.
Brushes and combs depending on the size of the dog
The size of the dog does not belong to the most determining factors when choosing tools for grooming, but it should be remembered that a small comb will make the process of combing a large animal long, unpleasant and ineffective.
For small dogs, on the contrary, you should purchase small tools that carefully comb out the hair even in hard to reach places.
Combing the hair, especially if it is long and fell into tangles, does not always give the animal pleasure, and sometimes it can cause unpleasant sensations. The wide range of Royal Groom sprays facilitates the grooming process, unravels the coat, gives it smoothness and silkiness, and also nourishes the skin of the dog with the necessary nutrients.
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