How to choose a radio-controlled car?
Among all the radio-controlled toys, cars take a leading place in terms of popularity. They are able to provide their owners with lots of speed and design ideas. Indeed, on the one hand, a radio-controlled car is an approximation to the childhood dream of every boy to drive a car at great speed, and on the other hand, it is a separate sport that has its own nuances and laws. That is why every person is interested in the question of how to choose a radio-controlled car or is looking for the RC rock crawler reviews. Only by choosing the right car a beginner can enjoy this sport.
Which radio-controlled model will be optimal for a beginner?
In fact, absolutely all radio-controlled models can be divided according to several characteristics: engine size, engine variety, size, chassis type, and configuration. For a beginner, of course, it is necessary to choose the most affordable and simple model if he does not have any experience with the radio-controlled cars. The most relevant cars will be models that are ready for use and the ones with an electric motor.
The scale of the car is somewhat more difficult to determine, because in this case, you need to take into account for whom this model is intended and for what purpose. If the toy is bought to become a hobby or for a small child, then mini-models are the best option. If you need a car for sports, then you need to start with a simple one of class 18-16.
And, of course, you need to consider where you wanna ride it. If you are closer to high speed and sharp turns on tracks, then you do not need to think about how to choose a radio-controlled car, just immediately buy a rally model with road or drift wheels. It must be borne in mind that a special track is needed for rally models.
If a flat track is boring for you, then you need to choose a car from the SUV class. For such cars, you do not need to purchase a special track, since they can go through absolutely anything: in the country, in the backyard, in the forest, on the beach. Among them there is a separate variety – trial cars, for which speed is a secondary indicator, but they can go through absolutely any relief route.
Buy a ready-made model or give preference to prefabricated counterparts?
In the modern market there are ready-made models and prefabricated ones. Naturally, if you are choosing a car for a beginner, it is necessary to give preference to ready-made models, since an attempt to plunge into the subtleties without experiencing the joys of driving through difficult terrain or at high speeds can discourage you from doing this sport. All assembled models are designated RTR.
The assembly kit is more relevant for the advanced user who knows exactly what he wants to achieve from the purchased toy. They come in two types: Kit or ARR. The first option implies that it will still be necessary to buy some more details, and the second option is that you can assemble the model and hit the road. As car makers say, a Kit is only half the car. But at the same time, such a toy model costs more than an already assembled model. This is due to the fact that the parts in the kit are created from more durable and high-quality materials. Also, advanced users can consider buying a radio-controlled model with ICE.
Depending on the chosen class of car, they can be both light and heavy. Buying such a kit for assembly, you can conduct serious tuning, making it absolutely unique and buying spare parts separately. On the other hand, together with a similar kit, you can significantly save money by using the usual transmitter or receiver, tires or other spare parts from old models that you like and that are of high quality, etc.
Having decided to buy a radio-controlled car in a professional store, you are guaranteed to get the most optimal option for the established budget. Make the right choice and enjoy your car!

How to choose a fire pit?
A real fireplace on firewood, expensive and difficult to install, can be successfully replaced with an electric one. If you know how to choose an electric fireplace, you can not only save your money, but also avoid many problems associated with installing a house of ordinary wood fireplace.
To build a house fireplace is required to comply with a lot of requirements, to obtain approval in the authorities, to find a competent master, and then still fidget with periodic cleaning of the chimney and all the time fear carbon monoxide poisoning. Statistics of doctors say that carbon monoxide from fireplaces and stoves is the most common cause of domestic poisoning.
Fire pits for wood deck do not produce carbon monoxide, and for one of this quality is preferable for an apartment is them. Although the electric fireplace has other advantages.
Features of electric fireplaces
Those who come to a specialist shop to choose an electric fireplace for their home or apartment understand that the room heating function of this device is secondary. For practical heating it is cheaper to choose an oil radiator or convector of the same power. The function of an electric fireplace for your home is more decorative than purely practical. Although the electric fireplace is as capable of heating your home as an oil radiator: its power allows you to heat up to 25 m² of space with a ceiling height of about 3 m. The power of an electric fireplace is usually 2 kW. However, people usually buy electric fireplaces to create a more or less accurate illusion of living fire.
Electric fireplaces are the same as ordinary fireplaces by type of installation:
- corner fireplaces;
- built into a wall;
- floor and wall mounts;
- free-standing fireplaces.
Small models are called electric stoves. They can be equipped with carrying handles and wheels for easy transportation. No framing is required. This is the most affordable type of electric fireplace.
Designer stuff
The choice in frame design is extremely large. You can buy an electric fireplace for your home with the frame, or buy both separately. Some buyers invite a designer to get expert advice – how to choose an electric fireplace for an existing or projected interior of a country house or city apartment.
Electric fireplaces also differ in the way the air is heated. They can be infrared, in which case the air in the room does not contact the hot spiral and does not lose oxygen. Less perfect are electric fireplaces in which heating takes place at the expense of a strongly heated spiral. The disadvantage of such devices is that they “burn” oxygen in the rooms of your apartment. Loss of air humidity occurs when any fireplace is working.
Family next to the fireplace
Very much depends on the realistic simulation of the flame. Companies producing electric fireplaces compete with each other, trying to come up with the most realistic imitation of live fire. Some build a device in the electric fireplace to play the sound of crackling firewood, others add flavors to the device.
The flames in fireplaces with a built-in humidifier look most realistic. Neither at first nor at second glance you can not distinguish between the flames in this fireplace from real fire. This perfect illusion is created by special illumination of the water vapor produced. That is, this electric fireplace during the work does not dry the air of the apartment, but on the contrary, moisturizes it.
What to look for when choosing:
- Power. Some wall models are designed exclusively for room decoration. An electric fireplace that can also heat the air in the house must be at least 1.5 kW of power.
- Dimensions. In a small room, a huge fireplace will look inappropriate and disproportionate.
- Framing style. In order not to create a sense of molded hastily and inappropriate interior of the house, the style of the fireplace should correspond to the style in which the entire room is decorated.
- It is possible to adjust the heating and power consumption. Usually the electric fireplace can be switched on without heating, only for the decorative effect of imitation flame.
- A useful feature that allows you to adjust the brightness of the glow.
- Some electric fireplaces are equipped, in addition to imitation flames, also imitate the sound of burning firewood. For other models, the flame simulator can be purchased separately.
- The best look is an electric fireplace, the flame of which is represented by water vapour jets. A built-in steam generator is valuable, as you do not have to buy a humidifier separately. If finances allow, you should choose this model for your home.
- When choosing a frame, pay attention to the quality of the material. Often a special plastic is used for this detail. You need to make sure that the material is enough heat and when heated from it will not start to emit any harmful substances. Perhaps it is better to give preference to framing made of ceramics, stone or metal.
How To Store Fertilizer In Your Fridge Safely
Fertilizer storage is a responsible and important process in agricultural activities. The quality of the crop depends on both the composition of the fertilizer and its storage.
The right approach to the design of premises for fertilizers
First of all, for storing fertilizers, it is necessary to allocate a non-residential, dry place that is well ventilated. If there will be several types of fertilizers, you need to allocate a separate compartment or rack for each of them. The building itself should be located no closer than 200 m / 656 ft from residential, public and industrial buildings and it should have two doors or gates located on the opposite sides. Also, allocate a site around the building for the preparation of fertilizers for their application.
The climate in the room is important. Humidity should not exceed 40% so that the fertilizer does not get wet or stick together. If the permissible humidity threshold is exceeded, the room must be ventilated urgently. The temperature should not fall below zero C / 32 F, and the maximum allowable temperature is 25-27 ° C / 77-80 ° F.
Storage of bulk fertilizers
Bulk fertilizers in loose and packaged form should be stored separately.
Loose fertilizers are placed in bulk (2.5-3 m in height) in different compartments by type and form. It is worth remembering that part of the embankment at the wall should not exceed 1.5 m.
Fertilizers in containers (ammonium nitrate exception) must be stacked in piles of 12-15 tiers with different directions of bags. It is better to put them on pallets, gratings or racks.
Stacked in piles of 10-15 bags in height are:
- Urea
- Ammonium sulfate
Placed in 18-20 rows:
- Ammophoska
- Nitrophoska
- Potassium chloride
Each type of fertilizer should be labeled with the name of the type, its content and the weight of the entire batch.
Liquid fertilizer storage
For the storage of liquid fertilizers, use horizontal or vertical cylindrical tanks.
A warehouse with liquid fertilizers must be equipped with pumps, a leakage protection system and other specialized equipment. The flooring must not allow fertilizer to enter the soil. Warehouses with liquid fertilizers should also have waterproofing neutralizing wells for storing spilled fertilizers.
Ammonium nitrate storage
Since ammonium nitrate is an explosive substance, it must be stored in a separate room or in an isolated section of the warehouse. The section should be made with a blank brick wall.
Ammonium nitrate is stacked in stacks of 10-15 rows of bags, the distance from the wall to the stack should be 1 m, between the stacks – 3 m. The warehouse itself and the section should have the “Ammonium nitrate” and “Explosive” signs.
Storage of ammonium nitrate under the open sky, canopy or fuel, and lubricants is strictly prohibited. Storage of ammonium nitrate is agreed with the state bodies of sanitary and fire supervision.
Outdoor fertilizer storage
When it is not possible to store fertilizers indoors, temporary storage on a specially prepared covered area is allowed. The site must be located in an elevated area that is cleared, covered with concrete/asphalt provided for the discharge of melt and rainwater.
When storing fertilizers in bulk, insulating material, such as film, is additionally laid on the surface.
The shelf life of fertilizers is always indicated on the packaging and on average lasts from 1 to 3 years, depending on the manufacturer. No fertilizer is recommended to be used after the expiration date.
Organic fertilizer storage
Organic fertilizers have their own specific storage. Similarly to inorganic ones, you need to allocate a place away from the living areas. Storage temperature should not exceed 60 ° C / 140 ° F, otherwise, all useful organic compounds are lost. If the temperature approaches the maximum mark, then it is worthwhile to moisten the manure or compost with the collected slurry or cover it with a layer of soil and then mix it all together.
The shelf life of organic fertilizers in raw form does not exceed 9 months. Prepackaged and specially dried manure, compost or peat can be stored for an unlimited amount of time and not lose its properties. The packaging in such fertilizers has an opening for ventilation.
When storing fertilizers, always adhere to safety rules and do not neglect them under any circumstances. Prepare the room, equip it and only then store fertilizer in it. When storing hazardous substances, it is necessary to consult with the appropriate authorities.

What exactly is rust?
Metal has always been used to build fundamental structures. Due to its strength and durability, it remains popular to this day. But like any other material, metal also has vulnerable sides. Their presence and causes the use of specialized means – paints on metal.
What is rust
The main disadvantage of metal is its susceptibility to corrosion. Rust on the surface of the metal is a consequence of oxidizing processes occurring in the metal. Rust on a small piece of metal quickly spreads further, and now the entire metal part is covered with an unpleasant red color. In addition to spoil decorative properties, the rust breaks the texture of the metal, making it brittle and not durable. There is one method of rust control. It should be scraped off the metal, treated with anti-corrosive primer, and covered with protective paint. However, now there are paint products on sale that are designed to protect the metal from the damaging effects of corrosion without additional treatment.
The pros and cons of anti-corrosion paint
It is not always possible to remove the rust from the metal. The affected surface may be large in area, or the place is difficult to access, or the part is metal of such a design that you can not get close to it. For such cases and created an anti-corrosive paint on the rust. The advantages of corrosion-resistant paint include:
- The possibility of applying the paint directly on the affected surface, without prior cleaning.
- Saving time, the material will not have to be covered with several layers of different preparations.
- Protective coating on the metal surface, designed to protect against moisture and dirt.
- Durability of the coating that protects the metal from corrosion. Up to 8 years of protection.
- Rapid drying of the paintwork material.
- Huge palette of colors, wide choice of shades.
The disadvantages of the anti-corrosive paint include the impossibility to paint surfaces, operation of which occurs at temperatures above 150 degrees. In addition, the toxicity of the paint does not allow its use where there is contact with drinking water.
Paint types
There are 5 types of metal paints depending on the composition:
- Metal epoxy paint. The addition of epoxy resins in this paint makes it toxic. Because of this, the use of epoxy paint is not widespread, household items are not allowed to paint with it. Paint is used rarely and only in places where the metal is exposed to high temperatures, as this paint can withstand them.
- Oil paint on metal. The oil paint contains oils and natural olive. The paint is used for interior finishing works. This paint is not suitable for outdoor work, as it is unstable to changes in air temperature. The protection of metal against corrosion will be broken.
- Alkyd paint for metal. Used for galvanized surfaces. The advantage of alkyd paint is its high degree of adhesion, it is a pleasure to apply such paint. But application near heated parts of the metal structure is prohibited – the paint is extremely flammable.
- Acrylic paint on metal. Despite the relatively recent appearance of this paint on the market, it has managed to win the respect of professionals. Acrylic coating is characterized by long-term protection of the metal structure, up to 8 years of corrosion-free existence. It is not toxic and can be used both outside and inside. Besides, it successfully withstands heating of a structure, it is used even for painting radiators of heating.
- Hammer paint on metal. The paint composition includes epoxy, alkyd and acrylic bases, added fine glass and aluminum powder. The name “hammer paint” was given for the similarity of the final coating to the surface of the hammer striker: rough to the touch with a pronounced metallic gloss. Resistant to moisture, vibration and temperature fluctuations. Wide range of colors and textures: Matt, glossy. Application in two coats replaces the primer and final coating.
Knowing the pros and cons, the specific application of each paint, you will make the right choice of anti-corrosive paint for the metal.

Choosing a Portable Projector
Portable projectors are devices of relatively small size and low weight. These models are not inferior to stationary models in functionality and image quality, but their advantage is that they can be easily transported. This category has a clear tendency towards downsizing and weight loss. There are such compact models that you can carry them not just in your bag, but even in your pocket. Portable mini projector is a device for projecting images on a large screen (or other surface).

Nowadays, handheld projectors are becoming increasingly popular. Such devices are in demand in many areas of human activity: education, management, economics, ecology, medicine and many others.
How to choose a portable projector, and what to look for when buying?

First of all, it is necessary to determine which multimedia information will be projected most often. If the purchased device is required to view the video, then you should opt for devices designed for home theater systems. Be sure you have read reviews online, like nebula capsule review. For the educational process or business purposes, a portable DLP projector would be more suitable. The technical indicators of such projectors allow you to use the gadget in large meeting rooms, classrooms or offices.
Most common projection matrix technologies are the following:
- LCD – form a projection using liquid crystal matrices. The main advantage of such projectors is low energy consumption. Even better color reproduction is provided by models manufactured using advanced 3LCD technology.
- LCoS – transfer the image to the screen or surface using a matrix on liquid crystals, too. However, in these models, the matrix is located on the surface of a silicon mirror. Such a mini-projector is a modern modification of obsolete LCD-projectors, which provide the consumer with better image transmission.
- DLP – provide a very high-quality picture. A portable HD projector with a DLP matrix is best suited for outdoor events, as it weighs much less than other types.
- LED – instead of a lamp, LED light sources are used. Processing the source image is carried out by three (or five) special electrical circuits. This state-of-the-art technology allows to position the elements inside the projector in the most compact way. This made it possible to create a portable LED projector with high competitive characteristics. It is worth noting that the advent of LED technology made it possible to get rid of the “rainbow effect”.

In addition to the above characteristics, it is worthwhile to find out the characteristics of the brightness, resolution and contrast of the particular device that you are thinking about purchasing. Before choosing the most suitable portable projector for your smartphone, compare the noise level, weight, overall dimensions, lamp life and the number of ports.

Dog combs: choosing the right tool for your pet
Any pet requires a responsible approach and regular care. The most important component of this process is the constant maintenance of the coat in good condition. This requires not only proper nutrition, but also regular combing. Depending on the type of coat of the dog, different adaptations will be needed, and the choice should be approached wisely.
Types of combs for dogs
Tools for the care of dog hair are divided into several types and sorted by purpose:
- The simplest single-row comb is necessary for combing not too thick, but long hair;
- Comb with bristles instead of teeth. With its help, you can comb out the longest hair and carefully untangle the tangles. Moreover, such a procedure is also a massage. This best dog brush for short hair can also be used for dogs with short hair;
- Slicker. Comb with thin metal teeth. They are curved and the tips are rounded. This tool is designed to remove dead fur of the undercoat;
- Furminator is a recent invention using which you can comb dogs with any hair, as well as completely get rid of the fallen part of the undercoat in one go;
- Rake comb is considered a good addition to the furminator if bald patches occur. The principle of operation is similar, but the effect on the coat is more gentle;
- Hair brush glove quickly and effectively removes hairs that have fallen out during dog’s shedding;
- Double-sided comb is needed to remove dust and dirt from the coat, suitable for different types of hair;
- Movable tooth combs are effective for combing a dog that does not like and tolerate the procedure. The tool does not hurt, but it is not suitable for very long hair;
- Combs with teeth of various lengths also do not cause unpleasant sensations, allow you to untangle the fallen hair and eliminate the fallen hairs of the undercoat;
- Tools for trimming and stripping – special devices for aligning the remaining hairs and hair removal of the undercoat. Short teeth of the tools are located on the blade, which allows you to quickly and efficiently carry out all the manipulations;
- Dematting comb. A comb with sharp teeth, designed not only to unravel the tangles, but also to cut them if the particular area of the dog hair can no longer be combed.
How to choose a comb?
When choosing combs and brushes, you need to focus on the quality and type of animal hair.
For dogs with long hair
Longhair dogs require daily combing. Long and thick hair must be combed out with an ordinary comb or special massage brush. It is necessary to eliminate excessive undercoat with the help of a slicker. The finisher and rake comb will be effective. If the hair falls off, then you will have to use a dematting comb to cut out all the hair that can’t be combed anymore.
For dogs of short-haired breeds
Short hair dogs are combed with a brush with natural bristles, a special glove is suitable for hair removal. Rakes and combs with rotating teeth will also be good.
For wirehaired dog breeds
Wire-haired dogs do not change their coat and are not subject to seasonal molting; therefore, getting rid of the old cover and updating it completely depends on the owner. To do this, use combs for tripping and streaming.
For smooth dog breeds
Smooth dogs can be taken care of with a regular comb, massage brush and brush glove to rid the animal of dead hairs. You can also use a comb with teeth of different lengths or with rotating teeth.
Brushes and combs depending on the size of the dog
The size of the dog does not belong to the most determining factors when choosing tools for grooming, but it should be remembered that a small comb will make the process of combing a large animal long, unpleasant and ineffective.
For small dogs, on the contrary, you should purchase small tools that carefully comb out the hair even in hard to reach places.
Combing the hair, especially if it is long and fell into tangles, does not always give the animal pleasure, and sometimes it can cause unpleasant sensations. The wide range of Royal Groom sprays facilitates the grooming process, unravels the coat, gives it smoothness and silkiness, and also nourishes the skin of the dog with the necessary nutrients.
What to Consider When Buying a Refrigerator

What is the best time to buy a fridge?
The fridge is all about keeping stuff cold. Typically, people buy their fridge once they are done cooking and don’t need a refrigerator right away. You can go for cheap, well built, American freestanding fridges if you want the basics to get started.
Does it have to be free-standing?
The modern fridge is almost always considered to be free-standing. But, just like the front door, your fridge can still be mounted on a stand or shelf if you need a little more height.
The best time to buy a fridge depends on what the purpose of the fridge is for and how much space is available. Most of the money you’ll spend on the fridge will be on the front door, while the back door is used for storage.
Buy a 14″ refrigerator for a room with 5,000 sq. ft. of living space and use it for dining. The higher the ceiling, the more space you’ll have.
For a house that is currently under construction, where there are large rooms and narrow
There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to buying a fridge, just buy what you like and make it yours. It’s hard to nail down the ideal time because all the consumers buy refrigerators for different reasons. For some, it’s a holiday gift. Other people will pick one because they’re broke. Those people are the best time to buy a fridge. As more and more people have families, your options have gotten bigger. The thing is, even if you have people over or even go out with friends on Valentine
Can a refrigerator explode?
Yes, it is a common hazard for heavy-duty vehicles that store food. A refrigerator may explode with sufficient force to cause an internal explosion that may damage the contents. Properly servicing a refrigerator can help reduce the risk.
When a refrigerator is out of service, the internal components may deteriorate. An overheated compressor may expand to great lengths with little warning, resulting in a catastrophic internal explosion.
Most cases are not serious, and are easily repaired if you have enough time and attention.
A refrigerator containing an unrefrigerated, unopened can of food or an open can containing unopened food can be seriously injured. It is common for this to be the result of a discarded can, even if the contents are clearly marked “Dangerous Goods.” If a warm, hot, and liquid food product is poured onto a hot plate, it will expand, allowing air to come into contact with the product. If this air comes in contact with a metal can or any other source of heat, it may overheat and explode.
Anyone who has ever worked with refrigerators has asked this question, and answered it with the same response: He doesn’t know. But that’s not to say that there aren’t some things that we don’t know. And one thing we do know is that things explode in a certain way, when they have a certain chemical reaction and temperatures and pressure, just like every other object in the universe.
“First of all, we need to understand where the carbon atoms are,” in your refrigerator.
What size fridge do I need?

The size of your fridge should be determined based on what you intend to keep it. Here are a few guidelines:
Small fridge: The average-sized refrigerator, as shown in the images below, is 23-inches wide and 7-feet tall. As small as this fridge is, it’ll hold all the ingredients you need.
Medium fridge: The average-sized fridge is 28-inches wide and 9-feet tall. If you have a medium-sized fridge, it should hold about 100 lbs. of food. I find a mini-fridge.
In my “Store Instructions” section, I listed the sizes that I have found work for me. If you’re in the same boat as I am, then we suggest you take a look at our “top fridge brands” section.
For a bigger fridge, simply place a temperature-controlled bag of low-fructose corn syrup (or any kind of sugar substitute) in each freezer compartment. When you open your fridge door for an hour or two, the bags will act as a “cold pad” to trap heat.
Lutron’s WiFi-enabled refrigerators have a user-defined size — but there are instructions below for allowing users to customize their own size. We’ve seen different sizes that work with a variety of different brands and models — so it’s probably a good idea to make sure your fridge is compatible before you make your final decision. If you’re setting up a universal system, you’re likely to get several sizes with different brands — and that means they could not be joined together without some slight modification.
What is the quietest mini-fridge?
It is really important to get the right size fridge to go with your growing cannabis plants. Here is a guide on the size and thickness of fridge for small and medium-size grow lights.
How long does the grow light have to be on a 25 litre or 25+ litre fridge?
The 250W HID light will normally last around 5-10 hours on a 25 litre or 25+ litre fridge, but be careful not to overheat the plastic. Some lights may be too bright (e.g., 1000W
It is important to select a refrigerator that has a large enough capacity. The refrigerator should have enough space to get the food out in one pass. It is recommended to buy a refrigerator that is approximately 4 inches larger in width and 1 inch taller than the depth of your door opening.
Prices on average go for between $100 and $200. Prices for larger sizes will fluctuate based on the amount of food you pack, however, there is usually a minimum price for larger sized refrigerators.
(Most people are going to need a 20, 30, 40-gallon fridge but since you’ve been using the 3-5 gallon-sized tubs, you’re probably thinking 3, 4 or 6-8 gallons.) Look at the outside size and look at the inside size. If you’re looking at a 20 gallon, then look for a 15’x18’x14′ area. (You can do a “little” calculation if you know how big it is so you know how many gallons you’ll need but in most cases a lot of people